Out-of-Home Advertising

The Art of Storytelling in Out-of-Home Advertising

Out-of-Home Advertising

In a world flooded with advertisements, making your brand stand out can be quite a challenge. With consumers exposed to thousands of marketing messages daily, it’s more important than ever to create memorable and impactful advertising campaigns. This is where the art of storytelling in out-of-home advertising comes into play. In this blog, we’ll explore why storytelling is a powerful tool in outdoor advertising, and we’ll provide practical tips to help you craft compelling narratives that captivate your audience.

The Power of Storytelling in Out-of-Home Advertising

  • Emotional Connection

Storytelling taps into our emotions, and emotional advertising is more likely to be remembered. By weaving a narrative into your out-of-home ads, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level, making your brand more relatable and memorable. Think about the stories that have stuck with you, and you’ll likely find they triggered some emotion within you.

  • Capturing Attention

Stories naturally grab people’s attention. When you pass a billboard or bus shelter ad, it’s often just a fleeting moment. However, if that ad tells a story that piques your interest, you’re more likely to stop and pay attention. This can be especially effective in high-traffic areas where advertisers have only a few seconds to make an impact.

  • Brand Identity

Storytelling helps shape your brand’s identity. It gives your brand a personality, a voice, and values that resonate with your target audience. When you tell a compelling story, you are not just selling a product or service; you are selling an experience, a lifestyle, or a belief system.

  • Message Retention

A well-crafted story is more likely to be remembered. People tend to remember stories much more than they remember statistics or product features. This means that your brand and message will stick in the minds of consumers, increasing the chances of conversion down the road.

Tips for Crafting Compelling Stories in Out-of-Home Advertising

  • Know Your Audience

Before you start crafting your story, it’s crucial to understand your target audience. What are their interests, values, and pain points? Tailor your narrative to resonate with your specific audience.

  • Keep It Simple

Simplicity is key in out-of-home advertising. With limited time and space, your story must be concise and easy to understand. Avoid clutter and aim for a clear and straightforward message.

  • Create a Hero

Every great story has a hero, and your brand should be that hero. Showcase how your product or service can solve a problem or fulfill a desire. Make the audience see themselves as the hero by engaging with your brand.

  • Use Visuals

Images are a powerful tool in storytelling, especially in outdoor advertising. A well-chosen image can convey a lot of information and emotion in just a glance. Ensure that the visuals you use align with the narrative you’re trying to tell.

  • Evoke Emotion

To make your story memorable, tap into emotions. Whether it’s humor, nostalgia, inspiration, or even shock, emotional ads tend to stick in the audience’s mind. Just remember to choose the right emotions for your brand and message.

  • Incorporate a Conflict or Challenge

Stories are often driven by conflict or challenges that need to be overcome. In your out-of-home ads, present a problem or a challenge that your product or service can resolve. This creates a sense of tension and resolution that engages the audience.

  • End with a Call to Action

Your story should lead to a clear call to action. What do you want the audience to do after engaging with your ad? Whether it’s visiting your website, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter, the call to action should be compelling and easy to follow.

Real-Life Examples of Successful Storytelling in Out-of-Home Advertising

To illustrate the effectiveness of storytelling in out-of-home advertising, let’s look at a few real-life examples:

  • Nike’s “Just Do It”

Nike’s iconic “Just Do It” slogan is a perfect example of storytelling. It conveys a powerful message of determination and achievement, making the audience feel like they can overcome any obstacle. The narrative is simple but incredibly effective, and it has become a part of Nike’s brand identity.

  • Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke”

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign created a personal connection with consumers by featuring people’s names on the bottles. This simple act of personalization told a story of sharing and connection, which resonated with a wide audience.

  • Apple’s “Shot on iPhone”

Apple’s “Shot on iPhone” campaign utilized user-generated content to tell a story about the remarkable photo and video capabilities of their iPhones. By showcasing stunning visuals captured by everyday people, Apple told a compelling narrative about the power of their product.

The art of storytelling in out-of-home advertising is a powerful way to create memorable and effective campaigns. By connecting with your audience on an emotional level, capturing their attention, and shaping your brand’s identity, you can make a lasting impression that leads to increased brand recognition and customer engagement. With the right narrative and a clear call to action, your out-of-home ads can become a compelling part of your marketing strategy. So, the next time you’re planning an outdoor advertising campaign, remember the power of a good story to leave a lasting impact.

Unleashing The Power Of Outdoor Marketing: OOH Advertising Strategies

Unleashing the Power of Outdoor Marketing: OOH Strategies

Unleashing The Power Of Outdoor Marketing: OOH Advertising Strategies

In the ever-evolving world of advertising, one medium has stood the test of time and continues to capture the attention of audiences worldwide: outdoor marketing. It often referred to as Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising, remains a potent tool for brands to create lasting impressions, engage audiences, and drive results. In this blog, we will delve into the world of outdoor marketing, exploring its significance, strategies, and why it remains a vital component of any comprehensive advertising campaign. For expert insights and services in OOH advertising, be sure to check out Global Advertisers.

Understanding Outdoor Marketing

Outdoor marketing, or OOH advertising, encompasses various forms of advertising that target audiences when they are outside their homes. These ads can be found on billboards, transit systems, airports, malls, buses, and various other outdoor locations. The beauty of Out-of-Home advertising lies in its ability to reach consumers where they live, work, and play, making it an integral part of a holistic advertising strategy.

The Significance of Outdoor Marketing

    • Broad Reach and Visibility

    One of the most significant advantages of outdoor marketing is its ability to reach a vast audience. Unlike other forms of advertising that may be limited to specific platforms or demographics, OOH advertising is visible to virtually anyone who passes by. Billboards, for example, can be strategically placed along highways, in busy city centers, and near popular landmarks, ensuring that thousands of people see them daily.

      • Non-intrusive Engagement

      Consumers often find digital advertising intrusive, with pop-ups, auto-play videos, and banner ads disrupting their online experience. In contrast, outdoor marketing doesn’t interrupt daily routines; it becomes part of the environment. This non-intrusive engagement allows consumers to interact with the brand message on their terms, fostering a more positive and receptive response.

        • Building Brand Awareness

        Creating brand awareness is crucial for any business, and outdoor marketing is a powerful tool for achieving this goal. A well-placed billboard or transit ad can help imprint a brand’s message into the minds of consumers, making it more likely that they will remember and consider the brand when making purchasing decisions.

        Strategies for Effective Outdoor Marketing

          • Location, Location, Location

          The choice of location is paramount in outdoor marketing. Brands must carefully select spots that align with their target demographics. For instance, a trendy fashion brand may choose to advertise near a shopping district, while a fitness supplement company might opt for billboards near gyms and health clubs.

            • Creative Design and Messaging

            The visual and textual elements of an outdoor ad must be attention-grabbing and easily digestible. Since viewers typically have only a few seconds to absorb the message, simplicity and clarity are essential. Graphics, colors, and fonts should all be carefully chosen to convey the brand’s identity and message effectively.

              • Consistency Across Platforms

              Outdoor marketing should be integrated into an overarching advertising strategy. The same message and design used in outdoor campaigns should also be present in digital, print, and other marketing channels. This consistency reinforces brand recognition and strengthens the impact of the message.

                • Interactive and Innovative Elements

                Modern outdoor marketing strategies incorporate technology and interactivity. QR codes, NFC tags, and augmented reality features can be added to engage viewers and encourage them to interact with the brand beyond the physical ad.

                Measuring the Impact of Outdoor Marketing

                  • Foot Traffic and Conversions

                  Tracking foot traffic and conversions in proximity to outdoor marketing locations can provide valuable insights into its effectiveness. For example, a store located near a strategically placed billboard may experience increased foot traffic and sales.

                    • Surveys and Market Research

                    Conducting surveys and market research to gauge consumer recall and sentiment regarding outdoor ads is another way to measure their impact. This data can help refine future campaigns and messaging.

                      • Digital Engagement

                      With the integration of technology, brands can measure digital engagement stemming from outdoor marketing. This includes tracking website visits via QR code scans or monitoring social media mentions and interactions related to the outdoor campaign.

                      The Future of Outdoor Marketing

                        • Integration with Digital Marketing

                        The line between outdoor and digital marketing continues to blur. Brands are increasingly combining outdoor marketing with digital strategies, leveraging the power of social media and mobile connectivity to extend the reach and impact of outdoor campaigns.

                          • Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Initiatives

                          As environmental concerns grow, the outdoor advertising industry is adapting. Companies are exploring eco-friendly materials and renewable energy sources for digital billboards. Sustainability initiatives not only reduce environmental impact but also enhance a brand’s image.

                            • Data-Driven Insights

                            Advancements in data analytics and technology are enabling more precise targeting and personalization in outdoor marketing. Brands can leverage data to tailor their campaigns to specific audiences, increasing their relevance and effectiveness.

                            The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Best Advertising Agency In Mumbai

                            Ultimate Guide to choose the Best Advertising Agency

                            The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Best Advertising Agency In Mumbai

                            Looking to take your advertising game to the next level in Mumbai? Choosing the right advertising agency is key to achieving your goals. With a multitude of options available, finding the best fit for your brand can be overwhelming. But fret not, because this ultimate guide is here to help you make the right choice.

                            In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the essential factors to consider when selecting an advertising agency in Mumbai. From assessing their expertise in your industry to evaluating their track record and understanding their client-centric approach, we will cover it all.

                            At Global Advertisers, we understand the importance of making a well-informed decision when it comes to partnering with an advertising agency. That’s why this guide is designed to provide you with valuable insights and practical tips, ensuring you choose an agency that aligns with your brand voice, goals, and budget.

                            Whether you’re a startup seeking to create brand awareness or an established business looking to revitalize your marketing efforts, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to choose the best advertising agency in Mumbai. Get ready to boost your brand’s visibility and drive growth with the help of experts who understand the pulse of the vibrant Mumbai advertising scene.

                            Importance of hiring an advertising agency

                            • Looking to take your advertising game to the next level in Mumbai? Choosing the right advertising agency is key to achieving your goals. With a multitude of options available, finding the best fit for your brand can be overwhelming. But fret not, because this ultimate guide is here to help you make the right choice.
                            • We at Global Advertisers, we understand the importance of making a well-informed decision when it comes to partnering with an advertising agency. That’s why this guide is designed to provide you with valuable insights and practical tips, ensuring you choose an agency that aligns with your brand voice, goals, and budget.
                            • Whether you’re a start-up seeking to create brand awareness or an established business looking to revitalize your marketing efforts, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to choose the best advertising agency in Mumbai. Get ready to boost your brand’s visibility and drive growth with the help of experts who understand the pulse of the vibrant Mumbai advertising scene.

                            Factors to consider when choosing an advertising agency

                            • In the fast-paced world of advertising, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. Hiring an advertising agency can give your brand the edge it needs to stand out in the crowded marketplace. An agency brings a fresh perspective, creative expertise, and a wealth of industry knowledge to the table. They have the resources and experience to craft compelling campaigns that resonate with your target audience and drive results.
                            • Furthermore, partnering with an advertising agency allows you to focus on your core business activities while leaving the marketing responsibilities to the experts. This not only saves you time and effort but also ensures that your marketing efforts are strategic and effective.
                            • Ultimately, hiring an advertising agency is an investment in the future success of your brand. By leveraging their skills and experience, you can achieve your marketing goals and propel your business to new heights.

                            Researching advertising agencies in Mumbai

                            When it comes to choosing an advertising agency in Mumbai, there are several factors you need to consider to make an informed decision.

                            Let’s explore these factors in detail:

                            • Researching Advertising Agencies in Mumbai

                            Start by conducting thorough research on the advertising agencies in Mumbai. Look for agencies that specialize in your industry or have experience working with similar brands. Take note of their reputation, client roster, and awards or recognition they have received. This initial research will help you create a shortlist of potential agencies to further evaluate.

                            •   Evaluating the Agency’s Portfolio and Past Work

                            One of the most important aspects of choosing an advertising agency is assessing their portfolio and past work. Review the campaigns they have created for other clients and evaluate their creativity, quality, and effectiveness. Pay attention to the different mediums they have worked with, such as print, television, digital, and social media. This will give you an idea of their creative capabilities and whether they can meet your specific needs.

                            •  Assessing the Agency’s Expertise and Experience

                            Consider the expertise and experience of the agency in your industry. Do they have a deep understanding of your target audience and market trends? Have they successfully executed campaigns similar to what you have in mind? An agency with relevant experience will be better equipped to develop strategies that resonate with your audience and achieve your marketing objectives.

                            •  Understanding the Agency’s Creative Process and Approach

                            Every agency has its own creative process and approach to developing campaigns. It’s important to understand how they work and whether their approach aligns with your brand’s vision and values. Do they involve clients in the ideation process? How do they handle revisions and feedback? Clear communication and collaboration are essential for a successful partnership, so make sure the agency’s creative process matches your expectations.

                            • Considering the Agency’s Pricing and Budget

                            Budget is a crucial factor when choosing an advertising agency. Determine your budget and discuss it openly with potential agencies. Ask for detailed pricing information and understand what services are included in their packages. While it’s important to find an agency that fits within your budget, remember that quality and expertise come at a price. It’s worth investing in an agency that can deliver the results you desire, even if it means stretching your budget slightly.

                            • Client Testimonials and Reviews

                            Client testimonials and reviews can provide valuable insights into an agency’s performance and client satisfaction. Look for testimonials on their website or ask for references from past clients. Reach out to these clients and ask about their experience working with the agency. Their feedback can help you gauge the agency’s professionalism, reliability, and ability to deliver results.

                            Evaluating the agency’s portfolio and past work

                            • After carefully evaluating the factors mentioned above, it’s time to make the final decision and hire the best advertising agency in Mumbai. Consider all the information you have gathered, weigh the pros and cons of each agency, and choose the one that best aligns with your brand’s goals, values, and budget.
                            • Remember, choosing an advertising agency is a long-term commitment, so take your time and make an informed decision.
                            • A successful partnership with the right agency can transform your brand’s visibility, drive growth, and help you achieve your marketing objectives.
                            • In conclusion, choosing the best advertising agency in Mumbai requires thorough research, evaluation, and consideration of various factors. By following the steps outlined in this ultimate guide, you can confidently select an agency that will elevate your brand’s advertising efforts and propel your business forward in the dynamic Mumbai market. Partner with experts who understand your industry, have a proven track record, and share your vision for success. Get ready to make a lasting impact and witness the transformative power of strategic advertising.

                            Assessing the agency’s expertise and experience

                            • When choosing an advertising agency, it’s crucial to evaluate their portfolio and past work. This will give you a glimpse into their creative abilities and the type of campaigns they have executed in the past. Look for agencies that have experience working with brands similar to yours, as they will have a better understanding of your industry and target audience.
                            • Take the time to review their portfolio thoroughly. Look for diversity in their work, as this indicates their ability to adapt to different industries and target markets. Pay attention to the quality of their designs, the creativity of their concepts, and the effectiveness of their campaigns. A strong portfolio is a testament to an agency’s expertise and can give you confidence in their ability to deliver results.
                            • Additionally, don’t hesitate to ask for case studies or success stories related to their past campaigns. This will give you a deeper understanding of their strategic approach and the impact their work has had on their clients’ businesses. By evaluating an agency’s portfolio and past work, you can gain valuable insights into their capabilities and determine if they are the right fit for your brand.

                            Understanding the agency’s creative process and approach

                            • Another crucial factor to consider when choosing an advertising agency in Mumbai is their expertise and experience in your industry. While it’s not necessary for an agency to specialize in your specific niche, having a basic understanding of your industry can make a significant difference in the success of your campaigns.
                            • During your evaluation process, inquire about the agency’s experience working with clients in your industry. Ask for examples of campaigns they have executed for similar businesses and the results they achieved. A deep understanding of your industry will enable the agency to create targeted and effective campaigns that resonate with your audience.
                            • It’s also important to consider the agency’s experience in the Mumbai market. Mumbai is a unique city with its own cultural nuances and preferences. An agency that understands the local market dynamics and consumer behaviour will be better equipped to create campaigns that are relevant and impactful.
                            • Considering the agency’s pricing and budget
                            • Creativity is at the heart of advertising, and understanding an agency’s creative process and approach is crucial in making the right choice. During your initial discussions with the agency, ask about their creative process and how they approach campaign ideation and execution.
                            • A good advertising agency will have a systematic approach to creativity that involves thorough research, brainstorming sessions, and collaboration with clients. They should be able to articulate their process in a way that aligns with your brand values and goals.
                            • Additionally, it’s important to assess the agency’s ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas. Look for agencies that have a track record of pushing creative boundaries and delivering unique and memorable campaigns. A creative agency will not only help you stand out from the competition but also make a lasting impact on your target audience.

                            Client testimonials and reviews

                            • When choosing an advertising agency, it’s essential to consider your budget and the agency’s pricing structure. Advertising costs can vary significantly based on the scope of work, the size of the agency, and the level of expertise. It’s important to find an agency that offers a balance between quality and affordability.
                            • During your initial discussions with the agency, be transparent about your budget and ask for a detailed breakdown of their pricing structure. This will help you understand what services are included and whether they fit within your budget.
                            • While it may be tempting to opt for the cheapest agency, remember that quality should not be compromised. A well-executed advertising campaign can have a significant impact on your brand’s success, so it’s worth investing in an agency that can deliver results.

                            Making the final decision and hiring the best advertising agency in Mumbai

                            • One of the most effective ways to gauge an advertising agency’s capabilities and reputation is by reading client testimonials and reviews. Look for agencies that have positive feedback from their past and current clients. Testimonials and reviews can provide valuable insights into an agency’s communication skills, professionalism, and ability to deliver on their promises.
                            • In addition to testimonials provided on the agency’s website, consider conducting independent research to find reviews on third-party platforms. This will give you a more holistic view of the agency’s reputation and the experiences of their clients.
                            • Don’t hesitate to reach out to the agency’s clients directly for feedback. This will give you an opportunity to ask specific questions and gain a deeper understanding of their experience working with the agency. By considering client testimonials and reviews, you can make a more informed decision and choose an agency that has a proven track record of client satisfaction.
                            Bright Outdoor Advertising under the brilliant Yogesh Lakhani

                            Bright Outdoor Advertising under the brilliant Yogesh Lakhani

                            With over forty years of experience, Bright Outdoor Advertising are innovators in the advertising agency sphere. With great expertise in out of home advertising, they employ a variety of old and new gen methods like billboards, hoardings, brand advertising, corporate advertising, and more. With multiple awards to their name, they have worked hard to earn the recognition that they have today.

                            The team at Bright Outdoor has made revolutionary achievements in the ooh advertising sphere, creating impressive hoardings, and running brilliant ad campaigns.

                            The CEO of Bright Outdoor is Mr. Yogesh Lakhani, and he is a large part of why the brand is as big as it is today. Mr. Lakhani began his journey in the advertising sphere by founding Bright, nurturing it into the upper echelons of the marketing agency world. Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers, has called his journey to the top nothing short of outstanding and has constantly praised Mr. Lakhani’s work ethic and passion.

                            Bright Outdoor Advertising gives their best to their clients regardless of the size of the brand. Serving massive names from almost every industry, Bright Outdoor still stays incredibly humble, making them a favorite amongst customers.

                            Creation Publicity Private Limited’s growth with Kalpesh Vora

                            With over sixty years of experience, Creation Publicity Private Limited is a hallmark in the out of home advertising agency business. They were created with the objective of being an incredibly reliable ooh marketing agency and today, they are widely recognized as such. They provide expert services all over India, from hoardings to corporate advertising to brand advertising and much more. They are dedicated to being efficient, professional, and perfect in their execution. This clearly shows from the fact that their clients are always satisfied and come back to Creation for all their advertising needs.

                            Mr. Kalpesh Vora is the Director of Creation Publicity and is well renowned in the industry as an ingenious man and respectable competitor. Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers, has called Mr. Vora a trustworthy, reliable, and effective lead of one of India’s most storied advertising agencies. Mr. Vora leads his team from the front, actively engaging with the clients and ensuring that his coworkers have an example to follow.

                            Creation Publicity believes that customer satisfaction is their biggest profit; everything else is secondary. This makes them incredibly trusted as an ad agency and ooh advertising company. They strive tirelessly to ensure that their clientele will never be disappointed, implementing massive projects and executing them with perfection. They also were the first company to bring international outdoor advertising technology to India, making them an irreplaceable part of Indian advertising history.

                            How Kiran Pawaskar and Sky Publicity rise to the top

                            With nine years of experience, Sky Publicity is an up-and-coming ad agency in the world of out of home advertising. Working with brands both new and already well established, Sky Publicity has made a name for themselves as a fierce and determined competitor despite their relative youth in terms of market experience. Their name explains the company’s work ethic and motto; they are always aiming for the sky in terms of quality and expertise.

                            Sky Publicity understands the importance of the prestige of a brand and works accordingly. They make sure that the customer gets exactly what they want, while other, lesser brands would often be content to give just what they have. They have expertise in brand advertising, corporate advertising, ooh solutions, hoardings, and much more. Day in and day out they work tirelessly to deliver incredible solutions to their customers, delivering the best advertising.

                            Mr. Kiran Pawaskar is the Managing Director of Sky Publicity, and he is well known for his strategic thinking and tactical acumen. Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers, has called Mr. Pawaskar a shrewd and cunning man, with a sharp wit that is matched by very few. Mr. Pawaskar and his team are always at the forefront of the action, making sure their clients can rest easy knowing that such a dedicated squad is working on their advertising needs.


                            How Anand Ingle makes Quantastic Marketing stand out

                            Founded in 2015, Quantastic Marketing Private Limited was born when Mr. Anand Ingle realized that the out of home advertising space was not focusing on the numbers enough. He believed that a good advertising agency needed to be able to bring in the numbers that would actually boost their clients, and thus, Quantastic was born. While they are relatively new to the space, their team boasts immense experience across all aspects of advertising, from ooh to hoardings to online.

                            Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers, has described Mr. Ingle as an extremely kind, honest, and intelligent person. Mr. Ingle strives to ensure that his workplace is free from any form of discrimination, and every member of the team is considered an irreplaceable part. Quantastic has an incredible grasp on the market and what their clientele needs, and their results speak for themselves. They service a wide range of brands, from every part of the country, and their prowess as a marketing agency is undisputable.

                            Every media advertiser needs to be able to look at their clients and see just what is needed to make them shine. Quantastic Marketing is talented in corporate advertising, brand advertising, billboard advertising, and many more things in the advertising company space. Their work ethic is unparalleled and even their competitors acknowledge them as a force to be reckoned with. No matter how tough times may get, the tough bonds of their team ensure that the work quality is always top notch.


                            Moms Outdoor Media Solutions – Pioneers in Advertising

                            With over twenty-three years of experience, Moms Outdoor Media Solutions have pioneered the advertising agency space, with expertise in both classic and newer generation formats. They provide numerous revolutionary services in the out of home advertising space, from campaign planning to campaign execution and much more. They are an award-winning brand with multiple accolades for their contributions to the marketing agency world.

                            They have pioneered many firsts in the world of outdoor advertising, including but not limited to creating a live hoarding with real people for the Indian Premier League, branding life jackets during Ganesh Chaturthi, and creating a billboard with real books.

                            Over the years, they have been led by Mr. Amol Dighe, the former CEO, and Mr. Jayesh Yagnik, the man who stepped up after Mr. Dighe moved onto bigger goals. Mr. Yagnik started his career with Moms and has over eighteen years of experience in the industry. He eventually rose through the ranks to become their CEO, showcasing his determination and dedication to the advertising company. Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global Advertisers, has praised Mr. Yagnik’s intellect and drive as unparalleled.

                            Moms Outdoor Media Solutions boasts an incredibly reputed clientele, with big names from every industry out there lining up to work with them. Regardless of who the client is or how important they are, Moms ensures that they always provide top-notch advertising with their talented team of expert professionals.


                            Occtagon Media Networks’s brilliant Parrmm Lakhani

                            Occtagon Media Networks was founded in 2014, making them young compared to some of their competitors in the advertising agency world. However, they are not to be counted out just because they are younger. Occtagon is incredibly devoted, innovative, enthusiastic, and full of incredible ideas regarding out of home advertising. While they haven’t been around for as long, they have still managed to cement themselves as one of the biggest names in Indian OOH advertising. They have presence all over India, with hoardings in several strategic locations.

                            Occtagon’s team is brimming with lively and energetic market experts who know just how to create the perfect advertising campaign. They boast a great deal of expertise in dealing with hoardings, billboards, corporate advertising, brand advertising, and several other important aspects of OOH advertising.

                            They are led by Mr. Parrmm Lakhani, their director, and an extremely talented and energetic individual. Sanjeev Gupta, CMD, Global Advertisers, describes him as a man willing to do what it takes to get their clients the best advertising possible. Mr. Lakhani ensures that his team, while young as a marketing agency, still have all the relevant experience they need to be incredible media advertisers. He leads from the front and is full of passion and energy, making sure not just his advertising agency, but also each individual employee, grows with him.


                            Impact Ads Pvt. Ltd.’s success under Arbaz Khan

                            Impact Ads one of India’s best out of home advertising agencies. They have risen to the top by ensuring that their client gets a comprehensive list of options for all their advertising and marketing needs. They are always innovating new marketing solutions and have a dedicated team with die-hard professionalism. They are good at managing hoardings, brand advertising, corporate advertising, and everything else that is expected of a marketing agency.

                            Their key goal is to ensure that their client gets a comprehensive list of options for all their advertising and marketing needs. They strive to provide highly innovative solutions and have a dedicated team with die-hard professionalism. They provide not just what is within their own means, but what is the best for their clients.

                            Their Chief Operating Officer is Mr. Arbaz Khan, an extremely intelligent man with a great deal of insight and ideas. Sanjeev Gupta, CMD, Global Advertisers, has referred to him as a very trustworthy and respectable competitor in the ooh advertising space. Mr. Khan and his team value honesty and loyalty to the customer above all else, always striving to ensure that they put out the perfect advertising for the situation. Impact Ads has their reputation bolstered by the fact that they have been around in the advertising space for quite some time and are still constantly progressing and evolving, making sure to match the needs of the market as it evolves.